Alumni Hub

Your exclusive gateway to YA Alumni content and events


How to get the best from your Youd Andrews Alumni Program with CXO Neil Hollister

Upcoming Events

Get involved for greater CXO engagement.
Using numbers and stories - how can sales teams create business value for CXOs?
Using numbers and stories - how can sales teams create business value for CXOs?
10:00 am
11:00 am
This session will explore the powerful synergy between data-driven insights and compelling narratives in sales strategies. Expert speakers will share practical techniques and real-world examples, equipping you with the tools to drive impactful conversations and deliver tangible value to CXOs. Don't miss this opportunity to enhance your sales approach and elevate your engagement with top decision-makers.
Book your placeBook your place
Book your 15 minute CXO 1-2-1 session
Book your 15 minute CXO 1-2-1 session
10:00 am
1:00 pm
10:00 am
1:00 pm
Working on a pitch or presentation and would like to discuss your approach with a CXO? Book a 15-minute slot, have a 1-2-1 with a CXOs, and get some feedback.
Book NowBook Now
Members-only LinkedIn Group
Members-only LinkedIn Group
A private community page that brings our Alumni together with our network of global CXOs to receive additional guidance and insights to complement the hands-on experience and ensure ongoing sales excellence.
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AI Roundtable - Recently Recorded
AI Roundtable - Recently Recorded
10:00 am
11:00 am
How are CXO's utilising Al to create value, how can Al help create competitive advantage and what are some of the potential pitfalls to beware? Virtual CXO roundtable with David Searle, Tobias Uthe and Karen Laidler.
CAtch up NowCAtch up Now

Exclusive resources

Coaching Corner

A regularly updated selection of CXO videos sharing hints and tips for best practice and discussing latest trends.
Access videos

The YA Alumni research reports provide members with the latest information about CXO's wants and needs and essential benchmarks and insights.
Members-only LinkedIn group

A private community page that brings our Alumni together with our network of global CXOs to receive additional guidance and insights to complement the hands-on experience and ensure ongoing sales excellence.

A snapshot of upcoming events

CXO Roundtables

Taking place regularly, these 1-hour roundtables will focus on ‘hot topics’ the Alumni community proposes.
Register Now
CXO 1-2-1

Counsel and advice opportunity offered 4-6 times a year. Alumni can book a 15-minute 1-2-1 slot with one of our renowned CXOs to discuss a particular approach or presentation.
Register Now
CXO Forum

In-person flagship event for greater engagement, offering insights, learning and conversation.


How to get the best from your Youd Andrews Alumni Program with CXO Neil Hollister
Would your organisation benefit from a Youd Andrews Sales Simulator?

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Hi! I am a Youd Andrews Alumni and would recommend the YA Business Simulator for our organisation to help us close bigger deals faster with C-suite decision makers.

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Our whole company learned a great deal from rolling out this program worldwide
VM Ware logo
Enterprise Director, VMWare
It was a truly unique experience and exactly what the team needed to improve its skill set to position business value propositions at board level. An outstanding program.
Atos Logo
VP Sales, Atos